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Looking for Sarah C. Painter of Ohio/IN

Wishing to find any info on SARAH C. PAINTER'S father and mother since I have tried to no availe to find any thing other than she was married to William Boucher on Mar 27, 1832. She was born in 1813 in Pique, Miami, OH and she died in Johnson County, IN in the year of 1856. Please help. She had eleven children and one was Margaret Boucher who married Henry Wycoff on Oct 17, 1850. Hope somebody knows something. Dia54

Charles A. Murphy of IL

Charles A. Murphy lived in Vandalia, IL and worked for the city dept and married Mary. and had a son named Russell Leslie Murphy and he also lived in Vandalia, Il and was a school bus driver. His wife was the late Marie Fredrick of Vandalia. She worked at the Taylor Cement Company at Vandalia, Il. I am looking for any info on the MURPHY FAMILY. Any info would greatly be appreciated and would love to here from you. thanks, Dia54

Adda Belle Smiley

I am trying to find more info on Adda Belle Smiley who married Harvey Washington Burton in Adair County, KY. They later moved to Indiana around Franklin and Columbus area. One of there kids was my grandpa which just passed away this March 2007. Any info on the SMILEY FAMILY would greatly be appreciated. I hope to here from somebody real soon. dia54.

looking for wycoff of indiana.

Wycoff Family Tree Clarence Thomas Wycoff 1890-1962 Thomas H. Wycoff 1856-1917 Henry Wycoff 1827- 1868 Nicholas Wycoff 1802-1854 Nicholas Wycoff 1767-1851 John Wycoff 1734-1812 Pieter Wycoff 1704-1776 Pieter Wycoff 1675-1759 Nicholas Wycoff 1646-1714 Pieter C. Wycoff 1625-1694 My grandpa Wycoff (Clarence) used to take us on long walks and would give every kid he saw a piece of candy every payday. He would always walk with his hands together behind his back and have a trail of children walking behind him. He married Bessie Hilderbrand and they had my grandma Dorothy. which in turn married Norman Coy and had my mom Norma coy (Burton). Grandpa always wore a brown suit and hat and was a nice person to us. Him and grandma didn't live together. they separated a long time before we could remember. He died in edinburgh, IN in his own house. Was found by my cousin one morning, He either froze to death or had an heart attack. There was a big write up in the paper about it. Grandma died later in an Nursing home in Edinburgh, IN of cancer. Grandma Dorothy died of bowel cancer in 1977 and my grandpa Norman died of Kidney Failture due to an andurism.My mom died in march of 2005 of lung cancer. If anybody else has any stories or info about these people in my tree please let me know. Dia54

1 comment(s), latest 12 years, 4 months ago

'Looking for Cecil Lee Helton of IL born around 1910."

Cecil was my husband's grandfather that he never met. And as far as I can remember this dad talking about, that he was so young that he couldn't really remember anything about him. Cecil married a Mary Belle Arbuckle and had a son 2/15/1930 named Cecil Lee Helton,Jr. She later left or he left don't know anyway she remarried to Leo Pontious of Shobonier, IL. He helped raise Cecil.

The last known record that I could find was that 1920 and it was when him and Mary lived in Mourtrie County up by Arthur, IL. Nobody knows what happened to him.

He had a sister named Violet that lived in Madison County, IL But she has since passed away. So I don't know if there is anybody that has any more info on him.

I only found two Cecils that was born in 1910 in IL. One was in UtaH and I can't find out any burial info and the other was in FL. and he has since passed away, too.

Anyway, My husband's dad has since died of lung cancer in January 10, 1996. He had married Mary Murphy of Vandalia, IL and they had eight children. One set of twins, which my husband is one of them. All was boys except for one girl. She was born right in the middle of all the boys. Cecil and Mary since got a divorce in 1973/74. It was hard on all the children. He remarried 2 more times. Mary passed away in October 13, 1996. My husband took care of both of them til the time came. He was a great son.

So if anybody has any info on him, please let us know so I can pass it on to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 11 months ago